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when artists meet


Body Of Clay f/Kendy

I love photographing nudity as an extension of nature!
Reading some elementary school info about why dirt is so important (and beautiful) took me back to my shoot with Kendy.

“Dirt, or soil, is a mix of eroded rock, mineral nutrients, rotting organic matter, water, air and lots and lots of small living organisms.


Looking closely at dirt, not all dirt is the same. If you cut down into the soil, you would see many layers. 

The topsoil layer is made up of rotting organic matter from the litter layer and minerals from rocks that are weathering and breaking down over time into little bits. The rotting organic matter helps the soil hold water so it is good for growing plants. In turn, growing plant roots anchor the topsoil and keep it from being blown and washed away by weather.


The top two layers are very important to life on Earth. They are full of living things like earthworms, insects, fungi and bacteria. Every inch of soil is full of living things. One scoop of soil can have millions of bacteria and other helpful microorganisms that are busy decomposing leaf litter into usable nutrients. The nutrients dissolve in the water in the soil and the trees and plants suck them up into their roots and use them to grow.

The most fertile soil is dark and crumbly and looks a lot like a rich chocolate cake.


Dirt is the very base of life on Earth because it has most of the important nutrients in which plants need to grow. Those plants in turn feed animals and us. So really, the nutrients in the soil will someday end up in you!




I’ve been sitting on this way too long!

HOLLIS AUSTIN is an amazing lettering artist and sign painter, currently based in New Orleans, LA. Back in late 2018, when we were studio mates, Hollis decided to make some fun, affordable, wearable art for those who would be passing by her studio during an event. She hand-painted a bunch of fun phrase necklaces, and when I saw them, I just knew I had to photograph them draped ALL over a voluptuous nude figure.

Below is the result. I hope you enjoy!

Check out more of Hollis’ work at


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Free to Be (pt. i)

I adore when Natasha and I get a chance to connect. 

My best work happens when the person I am photographing loves my work, and doesn't judge themselves for being a part of the process. When Natasha and I connect, all we know is that our goal is make dope images! She's not worried about how she looks. It's my job to make sure I capture her beautifully. We're not worried about peoples' judgment of what we create. That's none of our business. 

Today I asked her to bring a couple of outfits that I could shoot her wearing - and barely wearing. We rode around for a bit, looking for a fresh location, and once we found something, we got to work. I tell her what I have in mind. She tells me the options and suggests what she thinks might work. We Go! Because she trusts my work, neither of us have to be insecure about the strange direction I have to give to get what I see in my head. She knows all I want to do is make something amazing that we can share and be proud of.

This is a bit of what we did this July 4th. 


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