I don’t fancy myself a musician, but I love music. And often, the process of creating music is the way my mind connects to creating visual art. I can have much longer conversations about musicians and their process than I can visual artists.

For a long time I’ve wanted to “tinker with sound”. Not necessarily make music with any grand ideas, just be able to come home after a long time and put together sounds that captured the essence of a day that I’d enjoy listening to later.

More recently, I’ve also wanted to start an informal podcast. Just something where I get to talk to people I like, share an experience, and record the conversations.

So for my Artist Date, I went to Sam Ash off Tyvola Rd., in Charlotte, NC,

Here are some things I learned from the experience.

  • I like the knobs, dials, and craftsmanship of instruments and audio equipment.

  • I was nervous about taking pics in the store (I know why, but that shouldn’t matter. You can ask me about that if you want to know)

  • I don’t know anything about music (so it makes me want to research specific equipment and learn more. Inspiration)

  • Ask “stupid” questions. It’s an easy way to engage people.

  • Approaching people as an complete amateur allows people to be an expert and if they know what they’re talking about, that enjoy that.
