“I’m looking at [the images from our photo session]… I wish I could lay on myself and take a nap. I look squishy plump and soft, and I just want to go to sleep on my belly.“

Our body is a vessel that carries us through life, and there is something spectacular about being able to look at ourselves and enjoy the journey we’ve been on, and the vessel that got us here. To see in our physical, a revelation of our circumstances, our habits, and our experiences.

There is something beautiful about relaxing in who we are. Accepting ourselves. Not meaning that we don’t need to make changes. Just meaning we are not overly harsh with ourselves, understanding that everyday we are who we are. We are enough today, and by how we choose to use today, we can be even better tomorrow.
And truthfully, there are some ways we won’t necessarily be “better” tomorrow. Just different.
But hopefully, that reminds us that there are more things to focus on than just our physical appearance.

When I stand naked in the mirror, and allow myself to see myself clearly, I am exposed. I am reminded of who I am. I am reminded that there are things I can control, and things I cannot.
They say beauty “fades”. I disagree.
I think beauty just “changes”.
